Module 1: Basic Blogging

My Biggest Challenges With Technology

One big challenge that I have with technology is that it takes me longer to learn what I need to know than my younger colleagues. This can get frustrating at times, but I have learned to hang in there and take the time on the side later to practice specific skills.

I also do not know what might be the best way to implement technology in meaningful ways, ways that truly enhances the learning. This is why I am taking this course.

Confidence is a huge factor, but not nearly what it was pre-pandemic. At the start of the pandemic it was clear that it would be essential for our school to learn online, and that I would need to quickly get up to speed with Zoom, varying cameras and lenses, and numerous aps like Flipgrid and several others. And it was painful, to be fair, but it was necessary, and we did it. It was a huge team effort. And the learning did not come to a stop. In fact we kept it enriching and exciting.

In addition, I have been running a summer writing camp for kids on a college campus for fifteen summers. These kids were counting on us to continue the camp, but we were not able to meet in person. It is still amazing to me, but we went online! And we brought children together to write from all around the country. It was remarkable.

One Relevant Reason To Bother Learning About Technology

It was hard to choose just one reason, but the one that speaks to me most is: It increases student engagement, which I believe will lead to more differentiation in instruction. As the article states, ‘technology adds elements of design, automaticity, and interactivity.’ Because kids are that engaged, I think that differentiating instruction will be that much more effective. Children will be able to learn high interest topics at a pace and depth that matches their learning abilities.

How I Might Use Blogging In My Classroom

I love the idea of a student-run blog. I could put the blog up on the large screen. The students can tell me the highlights, challenges, observations, and other learning experiences that they had over the five day week. This is way different than sending a weekly newsletter from the teacher perspective.

This will give children the time and opportunity to reflect on their learning, to remind each other what they learned, revisit concepts, also for me to hear about experiences I might not be aware of.

Class blogging, could foster a focus on the learning experience from the child’s perspective.

We could include photos. Children could dictate or write what was happening from their perspective at the time the photo was being taken.

I also love the idea of documenting learning. Wondering what I might do for a year long inquiry project. Or maybe upload their writing and include our lessons and reflections on writing.

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